
Acute & critical paediatric care

What is acute and critical paediatric care?

The immune system of a baby or child is not yet nearly as effective in fighting off infection and disease as an adult immune system. Therefore it is important for parents to always pay attention to signs and symptoms that may indicate serious health issues and may require urgent medical care. Acute and critical paediatric care is a branch in medicine that focuses on the treatment of infants, children and adolescents who are suffering from a range of acute and critical paediatric conditions and complications such as:

  • Gold StarFever
  • Gold StarSkin rashes
  • Gold StarNausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration
  • Gold StarLacerations and suturing
  • Gold StarSevere restlessness
  • Gold StarSeizures
  • Gold StarRespiratory problems such as asthma
  • Gold StarDiabetes
  • Gold StarOrgan failure
  • Gold StarChildren who have nearly drowned
  • Gold StarAbdominal pain
  • Gold StarSpinal cord and head injuries
  • Gold StarInjuries with possible fractures and cast application

With any illness, it is important that you assess your child. Observe their behaviour and look out for warning signs such as:

  • Gold Stardisorientation
  • Gold Starnot eating or drinking
  • Gold Stardifficulty breathing
  • Gold Starlocalised pain
  • Gold Starhigh fever that doesn’t respond to medicine

What does acute and critical paediatric care entail?

Some children may not require hospital care; however, they may supervision and medical care. Dr Noxolo Nsele will conduct a comprehensive physical examination for proper diagnosis. She will then determine which treatment plan is suitable for your child depending on their condition, overall health and the severity of their symptoms. Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to review the treatment plan, evaluate the little one’s progress and make necessary adjustments if needs be.

Family involvement is essential in acute and critical paediatric care as well as the treatment planning process. Understanding your child’s illness educates family members about the little one’s medical condition in order to support them and aid them during the recovery phase.


How do I know if my child requires emergency care?

It is always important that you are vigilant in noticing signs and symptoms of an emergency such as severe pain, high fever, breathing difficulties, seizures, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Will my child be sent to ICU?

Depending on your child's situation, a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) may be required. Children with severe breathing problems due to asthma, serious infections, some complications of diabetes, or those involved in a serious car accident, are normally sent to PICU.

Will Dr Nsele see my child after hours?

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When should my child see a Paediatrician

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Visits with your paediatrician should begin as soon as your child is born. This allows you to become familiar with your child’s doctor, and also allows your child’s health to be monitored from an early age.

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