
Based in Empangeni, KwaZulu Natal, Dr Nsele has special interest in ambulatory paediatrics, common infectious diseases, preventative health measures and the care of acutely sick children.

Paediatric emergencies
conditions that occur in children that
require immediate medical attention,
such as paediatric respiratory
emergencies, trauma and burns,
to name a few.

Acute AND critical
paediatric care
paediatric care for children who require
special care due to complications
associated with asthma, diabetes, organ
failure, cancer or injuries.

Common infectious diseases
diseases that are contagious but
treatable such as malaria,
pneumonia, diarrhoea, HIV
and tuberculosis.

paediatric gastroenterology involves
diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal
problems in children. This often includes
GERD, constipation, diarrhoea etc.

Allergic disorders
hypersensitivity to certain substances or
irritants. Allergic disorders may include
allergic asthma, rhinitis, atopic dermatitis,
and food allergies.

Growth and development
keeping track of growth and development
milestones help us assess children’s physical,
mental, emotional and social wellbeing as
they grow up.

Preventative health
screening procedures and vaccinations or
immunisations ensure that your child
remains protected from potentially
harmful viruses.

the brain's development is vital for
intellectual functioning, reading ability,
social skills, memory, attention and
focus skills.

Newborn and neonatal care
care given to infants who require
medical care due to illness at birth
or prematurity.

Dr Nsele helps guide mothers
through different approaches
to breastfeeding.